Thursday, September 20, 2012

Value Portrait

Value Portraits Art Critique
Self evaluation (must write at least 3 sentences for each question)

1. Explain the process you went through to develop your drawing.
The fist thing that we had to do was take a picture. After, Mrs.Rossi printed out the pictures in black and white and hung them up on the board, face down and people went up one by one to choose a picture of a person and you didnt know which picture you were going to choose. Then, we all got a tracing peice of paper and we put that over the picture and traced the shapes that you saw. Mrs. Rossi then checked the outlines of the shapes that you saw in the persons face, and if it was good then you would move on and scribble with pencil all across the back of the tracing paper. We then retraced all the shapes into your sketchbook. To finish it off, we looked at the original picture that was taken and we added the values into the traced picture in our sketchbook.

2. Explain how you found the different values in the portrait?
To find the differnt values in the portrait, we drew the shapes of the values that we saw. We also did a value chart which was one inch by one inch to help determine which value was in the picture. Another thing that we did was compare the actual picture to the final picture in our sketch book to see if they were similiar or could compare.

3.  Did you achieve a full range of the different values within your portrait?  How?
I think that ia achieved some range of the different values in the portrait. The reason why i only think i achieved some is because i probably couldof added more and blended the colors that i drew. Most of the colors or ranges that are in my final portrait were about medium toned.

4. Describe your craftsmanship.  Is the artwork executed and crafted neatly?
I think that my art craftmanship was pretty good. I didnt color it messely or anything like that. The one thing that was messy though was when we scribbled on the back of the tracing paper since that got everywhere and on your hands.

5. List any obstacles you had to overcome and how you dealt with them.
One of the main obstacles i had to deal with was not tracing the portrait, but drawing the shapes that we saw. It was pretty hard to not just trace what i saw. Another thing was that since we scribbled on the back of the tracing paper; it was hard to see my outlines on the front of the sheet. One last thing was that it got kindof messy since there was so much lead on the back of the sheet so it got all over your hands.

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